Do You Realize… (7 Verses)

Recognition of something for what it is is the birth of awareness of that thing.Realization follows awareness.


1 - Do you realize how original you are? (there is no template for who you are and what you are becoming. For better or worse you cannot be replicated. Similarity is not the same. Commonality is not common. )

2 - Do you realize that no one will get/grasp/understand who you are and what you are capable of becoming? (no matter how much you tell them or show them. That’s not a bad thing)

3 - Do you realize how much life  is all about feelings? (it doesn’t matter what happens to us, it is what feel about what happens to us that awakens us or damages us.  Everything we do is in response to how we feel and how we want to feel.)

4 - Do you realize how much we don’t know? (the few things we learn in a lifetime are but drops in the bucket of the known and should be respected, but don’t celebrate your knowing yet, the true learning begins beyond this lifetime. Imagine…)

5 - Do you realize how many different pleasures and joys we can feel and experience? (if we allows ourselves the opportunity to act and consume beyond the beliefs of “good” and “bad”.)

6 - Do you realize how intelligent we are? (emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, common-sensically, intuitively, psychically. There is more than one lens through which to see, appreciate and experience your intelligence.)

7 - Do you realize how connected we are to everything and everyone around us? (try and name something that you are not connected to at some level.)


Make What You Haven’t Made Before…


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