Today - Not Just Any Day…

Day to today, I am furiously busy creating a self that I can like and hopefully you will like too.

I consciously and unconsciously crave depth, meaning and connection, through my daily experiences. I crave to be satisfied with the self that I think I am. I crave to make this self one that is happy, desirable and loving.

Day to today, I am furiously busy creating a self that I can like and hopefully you will like too.

Day to today, I feel that I am much more than I think I am.

Day to today, I cannot predict what I will be.

Day to today, I am learning more about my possibilities and opportunities.

Day to today, I see different sides of me.

Day to today, I am surprised by what I feel, survive and endure.

Day to today, I feel the need to appreciate what has made me what I am so far.

Day to today, I learn and see more and more.

Day to today, I love better and more efficiently.

Day to today, I wonder less and connect more.

Day to today, I live more in my skin and less in my mind.

Day to today, I see more of myself as I am and less of what I want to be.

Day to today, I am what I have been and what I will be.

Today, I am someone I like and someone I see. Me.

Day to today, I am furiously busy creating a self that I can like and hopefully you will like too.


About that gut feeling…


Food for Thought…