Every Once In A While…(Part 2)

Being one thing only is the impossible act of being human.

It is gift enough to be close to what we think we are. It is a blessing to be more than we dreamed we could be.

Every Once In A While…Exercises

***Pick from the following activities a favourite and do one per day this week. Then repeat weekly if you like.

Every once in a while do one thing that makes you feel inspired and excited…

Every once in a while dance alone when you’re home alone…one song.

Every once in a while go somewhere for 1 hour and tell no one where you went…

Every once in a while when smiling, think about how it makes you feel inside…

Every once in a while schedule an emotional self-pity party (Make it an annual purge and do it when alone)…

Every once in a while say sorry to yourself for not always believing in yourself or being positive with yourself…

Every once in a while “Just don’t do it” if it doesn’t make you feel good…

Every once in a while watch your all-time favourite movie, alone…

Every once in a while reminisce about one of your favourite childhood memories that makes you smile…

Every once in a while say thank you to your body. It’s still holding up and keeping your spirit and life alive…

Every once in a while disappoint someone because of something you choose to do for you and not for them…

Every once in a while stop. Just stop one thing that is not responsibility or accountability…

Every once in a while and once a year take a selfie and save it. Each stage of your evolution is worth remembering as you appear…

Every once in a while look at a childhood picture of yourself. That little being became something didn’t they?

Every once in a while give hope a break. Let what is going to happen, happen…

Every once in a while look at your favourite picture (drawing, painting, photograph) and memorize it. It reflecting you…

Every once in a while take your own advice but not your criticism…

Every once in a while do something alone that you really really really enjoy…

Every once in a while schedule an hour with yourself and keep it to yourself…

Every once in a while do a “no self-judgement day”. Try it once a month…

Every once in a while say thank you to time for revealing and teaching you so many things about yourself…

Every once in a while take a moment to think and appreciate all the things you are not and did not become. List 5 of these things…

Every once in a while acknowledge that they can do it without you

Every once in a while take a spontaneous nap and don’t explain to anyone why…

Every once in a while take 10 minutes and listen to yourself think. Don’t “hear”’yourself, listen to what you are really thinking and the accompanying feelings…

Every once in a while (at least once a year) listen to 3 of your favourite songs from when you were a teenager. Play them loud and reminisce. Dancing is optional…

Every once in a while just “move on”. Pick from what or who…

Every once in a while admit  that you’ve had a decent life to date, despite it’s many many challenges…

Every once in a while use the word “respect” instead of love. “I respect you lots” “I respect how you look”

Every once in a while count how many people actually truly need you. Surprised?

Every once in a while remember a beautiful compliment you were recently given…

Every once in a while give your face a break and smile from your heart…


Look out! Look in…


I am what I am and am not…