Imagine this…
Is there a place where you are alone with yourself? Just the two of you? A place where the voices and expectations of others are not allowed? A place where love and fear are not invited to carry on their childish fighting for your attention? A place where judgement cannot bring its insecurity and lay it at your feet? A place where you and your little child can play and remember and imagine happy, simple and playful times? A place where your heart makes the only sound and air is the only thing that is allowed in your body? A place where light quietly disappears into the walls and slowly re-emerges as a silent radiant glow? A place where every experience and memory in your body comes to the surface to say hi and see how you are doing? A place where time finally gets to stop and sit down beside you to rest and apologize for always moving so fast and not giving you a chance to breathe? A place where God gives you a moment and takes his hands off of your life? A place where “nothing” stands at the door and keeps “everything” at bay and away? A place where good and bad can’t romp through your mind and make a mess? A place where you feel and “hurt” and “pain”cannot? A place where the soul smiles as the spirit rests its head on your lap and snuggles? A place where peace takes your hand and embraces you and whispers “I am still here”? And at that moment you know you are not alone and have never been alone and will never be alone? Then joy knocks…