Every Once In A While…Part 1
Grow, change and rearrange who you are, once in a while.
Rare. Refined. Real.
"Every once in a while let go, so you can appreciate holding on."
Every once in a while, admit that it is too much, you are tired and you can't do it all.
Every once in a while, do something that feels good, just for you.
Every once in a while, let people be themselves, even if it is not what you want from them or expect from them.
Every once in a while, trust your heart, even when your mind is saying something else.
Every once in a while, admit that you are wrong.
Every once in a while, admit that you do not know and you really don't want to know.
Every once in a while, be honest and admit that you just don't care.
Every once in a while, don't be the best mom, dad, brother, sister, spouse, lover, friend, listener, helper, healer, artists, co-worker or "go-to person" - just be you.
Every once in a while, count the number of people who rely on you for at least one thing daily - yes you have value!
Every once in a while, say no to your favourite person in the world.
Every once in a while, do what they do not expect of you - let them manage the shock.
Every once in a while, say what you really really really think.
Every once in a while, don't think.
Every once in a while, listen to yourself, acknowledge yourself, talk to yourself, take a walk with yourself and accept yourself without using the words: "I'm not...", "I could be..." or "I should have been..."
Every once in a while look back without judgement and realize how far you’ve come.
Every once in a while look back without judgement and appreciate that you could not write
the story you have lived, survived and enjoyed.
Every once in a while say thank you and do something that makes someone say say thank you to you.
Every once in a while stand still, stay still and be still.